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Choosing of the right cleaning company

Best, if you enter the demand
for cleaning services to several companies. Be sure to include the exact specifications of cleaning works, their frequency, size of the area designated for cleaning, floor type, or your other requirements. At higher orders is of course attach construction drawings with tables area in sqm.

Cleaning companies choose according to references, company should give a detailed overview of the work, including cleaning your contacts, possibly, can provide a simple order/inquiry form. It is suitable to check with your customer service, delivered quality cleaning and the way it was dealt with any such claim.

If the tender is 2.rounds, is best to invite in the 2nd round three most favourable cleaning companies on the site, go through them all spaces intended to clean up that representatives of individual companies can edit their pricing on the offer.

Make sure to check all aspects of the quotation , whether the scope and specifications of cleaning work clearly and distinctly specified and whether the offer was prepared in the promised time frame.

You'll tray to differentiate whether the quotation includes the amountVAT or not.


Good time to change cleaning company

During the global economic crisis [2008-2011], unemployment reached in the Ccech Republic almost 10 %. Most of these people are people working manually.

Most of this population is interested to work even assuming that they will working for relatively less rewarding than it was before the economic crisis.

On the other hand, this period is very convenient for all the demand, in this case for ordering cleaning services (those who use cleaning services or just about to use) .

Get at least the same quality cleaning up with 40 % lower cost is certainly very interesting findings.

Therefore, we offer non-binding quotation for cleaning work, you can compare our prices with those existing. Do not hesitate to contact us for nonstop Phone: [777 672 508] or e-mail: info@homeservice.cz

In case quotation including a timetable for cleaning services click here


Agreement (draft) /Terms & Conditions   


Agreement                       open           download


Terms & Conditions         open           download




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On site Address*

Time limit*

Select the type of service you are interested in*

Cleaning of commercial and office buildings
Cleaning of apartment buildings
Household cleaning
One-time cleaning
Other Service [insert in Note]
Interest in contact [Please, note the name and phone number of the person, who will be                                       contacted]

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